strength: n.1.力,力量,体力。2.强度,浓度;长处;(要塞等的)抵抗力。3.实力;兵力;全体人数,额定人数,编制。4.笔力;文势。5.(证券等的)市价坚挺。6.〔美俚〕(可能有的)利润。短语和例子have not the strength to do it 没有气力做这个。 That will add strength to your argument. 那会增加你的辩论的力量的
This material can be used to produce rolls of large size with the static compound casting technology so that the roll body is of great hardness and the roll shaft is of great strength and the roll will have good thermal stability and resistance to accident 此类材质可用静态复合浇注工艺生产较大规格轧辊,使辊身具有高的硬度而辊轴具有高的强度,表现出良好的热稳定性和抗事故性。